Category Archives: Consumer Communication Electronics


Photo: New DIGIMIKE from President

Since many years President is producing CB radio’s with electret microphones and a standard 6-Pin connector. Big advantage is that all modern President 6-Pin electret microphones can be used on all President CB radio models.
Electret micro elements need a voltage to function and in the President system this voltage comes direct from the radio. One of the 6-pins brings the power from the CB to the microphone.
That is why you do not need a battery in this NOISE CANCELLING microphone, the DIGIMIKE


Photo: Front view of DIGIMIKE

The DIGIMIKE is on the market since some time now and the users love the quality. One of them told us that he used the DIGIMIKE in the car with the radio on a good volume. With maximum noise reduction the music from the song on the radio was gone, but some of the voice was still there !

This basicly describes what the microphone is doing: the sound from te surroundings, not being human voice, is filtered away. That makes that your voice is heard a lot better by the other stations listening to you.

Photo: Top view of the DIGIMIKE

The DIGIMIKE is user friendly. Unpack the micro and plug it in your President 6-Pin CB radio. Very old models may have a 6-Pin dynamic microphone and in that case the DIGIMIKE makes no sense.
On the top of micro you can change channels up or down and most important you can set the NRC level. NRC stands for Noise Reduction Circuit (same as NOISE CANCELLING). There are 5 levels , test with listeners wat they like best and you are ready to go.


Noise Reduction Microphone
• NRC = Noise Reduction Circuit
• 5 NRC Levels
• Up/Down Function
 Type:  Electret
• Connector: P6, President Wiring
• Packing: Box

You want to read the user manual first, check this link for DIGIMIKE USER MANUAL .


It is the President DIGIMIKE, but if you have a CB from an other brand , that has a 6-Pin electret microphone and same wiring you can use the DIGIMIKE on that radio too.


The company JNC from China introduced a new HF antenna that is great when you are camping, travelling or enjoying outdoor living. Avera has this item available from stock.

Photo: Product in Carry Case

JNC Radio MC-750 is an antenna kit that supports 40-6 meter bands, while operating a maximum power of 100 watts PEP. With a carry bag with dimensions 65 x 9 x 7 cm and a weight of 1.8 kg, it can be easily packed to travel around.
MC-750 operates as 1/4 wavelength full size antenna on 14 MHz – 50 MHz.
For 7 MHz operation, the supplied 7 MHz coil is needed.
MC-750 antenna base has counterpoise holes for radials.
You just need to plug in the supplied counterpoise wires to these holes.

Photo: Counterpoise Leads (Radials)

• TELESCOPIC Antenna HF Portable (Base – Mobile) 
• Frequency Range: 7 – 50 MHz
• Systems:  6M, 10M, 20M, 40M HAM Bands
• Antenna Type: Omni-Directional, Telescopic
• Mounting Type: Ground Rod to put in earth
• Antenna Whip: Aluminum
• Radials: 4 Pcs Banana Radials, Length 350 cm.
• Total Length: Approx 520 cm
• Max Power: 100 Watt (SSB)
• Connector: UHF-Female
• Packing: Carry Case

Photo: Content of Packing

The antenna comes in a handy carry bag and includes:
1 Pc of Ground Rod (Antenna Base Attached)
1 Pc of  7 MHz Coil
1 Pc of 50 cm Antenna Arm
1 Pc of 5.2 meter Telescopic  Whip
4 Pcs of Counterpoise Wires (radials)
1 Pc of Wire Collector Board

Photo: Connection of Sections

Since the introduction of JNC MC-750, many articles have been written and many video’s have been published on YouTube.

Check the JNC website for information on MC-750.


In Europe there are many different ways to mount a mobile antenna. The magmount with a PL connection (UHF-Female or SO-239 on magnet) and a whip with a UHF-Male (PL-259) are common for CB and low frequency use.

Sirio MagMount with UHF-Female (SO-239) connection

In the USA most whips have a 3/8×24 thread, this is also common in the United Kingdom but not on the European continent.  But CB and HAM operators love certain USA brands, so it is handy to have an adapter that allows the use of a 3/8×24 threaded whip on a PL-(Mag)Mount.

When the whips are long there is a huge force on the mount, so the best you can do is use a Heavy Duty adapter to prevent damage to your antenna or mount. The RoadPro adaptor is a heavy duty adapter that we consider the best solution on the market.

To find the product on our Avera-Distributing website use this link:×24-female-hd.html

We stock many different adapters, if you can not find a certain model on the website, feel free to email or phone us.

The UHF-Male (PL-259) side from the adapter


Each year, early January, is the annual CES (Consumer Electronics Show) in Las Vegas. At CES products and services are introduced that will be available for the general public in the coming years.  Audio, video, computers, robots, drones and now-a-days also self driving cars.

But it was surprise for me to see at CES the company Paccar, the mother company of the Dutch truck building company DAF and the famous USA truck brands Kenworth and Peterbilt.
Since long time the CES is more than a consumer electronics show. It is an event that informs about all the innovations going on in the world today.

Paccar has their own innovation center in Silicon Valley. One of the things they study there is the use of drones to deliver spare parts to mechanics on the spot.
The idea is that when a truck brakes down a mechanic goes on the road to get the truck repaired and driving again. But it is impossible for a mechanic to have all the spare parts in the service van. So if he calls the service center a drone should be used to deliver the desired spare part to fix the truck.

First Paccar did a research to all of their spare parts. It seemed that 87% of the spares was under 4,5 Kg (10 lbs) .
On the photo you see a regular professional drone with a plastic box under it.
The box should be able to hold the spare part. The weight of 4,5 kg should be no problem, nor the dimensions of the plastic box to hold one of these 87% of the spare parts.

It sounds all simple, but there are many problems before this drone delivery will be reality. The distance the drone that was showed can cover is 14 Km (9 miles). But according to US law it can only be used when the drone is in sight, That means a maximum reach from approx 1,5 km (1 mile).
But even if the distance is 14 km, it is a 10 minute ride for a car to deliver the spare part. Does it make sense to use a drone in those circumstances?
It is only one of many questions, no one knows what the future will bing.

Drone delivery within the pilot’s line of sight (LOS) expands in rural areas.
2018   Deadline for FAA’s new drone delivery rules
2019   NASA plans to release recommendations around air traffic control systems for drones.
2020   Limited commercial deliveries start with autonomous flights.
2021   Commercial drone deliveries begin in parts of the USA as air traffic control and autonomous flight systems mature, enabling more complex delivery operations.

ONLY TIME WILL TELL what the future will bring us, but CES made clear again than many exiting things start to happen the coming years also within the trucking industry.




Does the regulator in your radio run hot? Excessive heat from a transistor means the part is undersized for the circuit or that the circuit itself is not very efficient.
Changing the radio’s modulation circuit is impossible. But the solution for this problem is the Palomar MAX-MOD Transistor.

Photo: MAX-MOD transistor including mica insulator

Palomar is a famous old CB brand name from USA. The name is owned and used now by EKL Components, the mother company also for Magnum Radio’s and Motocomm helmet sets.
New in the Palomar program is the MAX-MOD, a special transistor.

The MAX-MOD is a replacement and upgrade PNP transistor for the modulation circuit in most radio’s. The MAX-MOD replaces the common 2SB and TIP parts.
The MAX-MOD works very well in 10M radio’s, including President models.

The MAX-MOD will give the RF section the current it needs and will increase the peak power by and average of 10% or more.
The MAX-MOD has the same lead spacing as the smaller transistors it replaces, making soldering very easy. The MAX-MOD uses a hughe TO-3PL package for improved heat dissipation, and comes with a mica insulator so you do not need to try to find one.
The MAX-MOD is available in single pack and 10-pack for technicians.

Photo: Palomar MAX-MOD Transistor  in single pack

• High Current / High Power PNP Power Transistor (AM Regulator)
• Replaces & Upgrades 2SB688, 2SB754, 2SB817, 2SB827 and other AM
• Regulator Transistors in CB and Amateur Radios
• Supplies Necessary Current Levels for Maximum Modulation
• Most Radios See a 10% Increase in Peak Power Levels
• Runs 40%* Cooler than Stock Regulators
• Massive TO-3PL Package for Improved Heat Dissipation
• Comes with Mica Insulator

Photo: Palomar MAX-MOD Transistor in 10-Pack


The  MAX-MOD Transistor is available from stock at Avera-Distributing.

For a datasheet of Palomar MAX-MOD Transistor click here.









Photo: Midland GB-1, a PMR446 with fixed antenna

In the USA it is the FCC that rules the world of communications for all 50 states. In Europe we have the European Union, that are 28 National States. The EU is managed by the European Commission (EC). In the EU the kind of ‘FCC-department’ is called the “Directorate General for Communication-networks and Technology (CNET)”.

It might look the same structure but the difference is really big. Where the FCC has the complete power in all the US states, the European Commission can make Directives . The national governments have to implement the Directives as national laws. Can you imagine a European Directive written in English or French and translated by 28 national bodies in their own language….
Yes that often results in a ‘fight’ about the meaning of content of the Directive and meaning of national translations.

In our industry we have a ‘nice’ example for this struggle. There is a European Directive for the so called PMR446 regulation. It can be compared with USA radio’s for FRS or GMRS. The directive tells us the equipment for PMR446 needs to have a fixed antenna. So basically the idea was to have small portable radios, walki talkies, operating on 8 channels in the  446 MHz band.

To put such a radio on the market the manufacturer needs a Document of Compliance. An accredited laboratory investigates such a product and if it is complying with all the applicable rules they give a Declaration of Conformity. In short this is the way to act when bringing radio’s on the European market with the necessary  CE or CE! ( CE-alert) sign. So manufacture according to the technical specs of the directive and ETSI norms, have it tested by an accredited laboratory, get the necessary paperwork done for CE and you are in business!

This was exactly what Midland did when they put the Midland GB-1 on the market. A portable radio with a fixed antenna. The antenna was fixed with a  cable to the radio. The test lab saw no problem, it was according to the Directive, the antenna was fixed and not detachable.

The Midland GB-1 came on the market with all the necessary markings for CE, that is a CE sign and a listing of the countries for which applicable.

Photo: A dark shadow is already hanging over the listing of all EU-countries (some non-EU countries also adapted EU-laws)

It did not take long before some national European Authorities saw the product in the market and told Midland “this is not according to the Directive for PMR446”. Midland told them “this is the documents from an official accredited laboratory, so what can be the problem? “.

In such a case of discussion or rejecting by a national Authority , each Authority can inform the DG of the European Commission to file a complaint. There will be a short investigation and it might result in an instruction to all 28 national Authorities “take this product out of the market”.

In the case of Midland GB-1 there was a discussion between all the national Authorities in Europe and the votes were quite divided. Countries that had no problem with the construction of this radio were: Denmark, Malta, Czech Republic, Hungary, Germany, Estonia, Slovakia, Italy, The Netherlands.

Photo: The listing of the countries without objections

Countries’ that say “not allowed” were Croatia, Switzerland, Finland, Portugal, Norway, Austria, Belgium, Latvia, Luxemburg, France.

Some countries thought it was hard to decide and needed time to think: Bulgaria, Ireland, Sweden, UK, Greece, Poland, Spain, Cyprus, Lithuania.

Because of all the discussions in the various countries Midland had to change the paperwork for this radio and also the printing on the box. For an end-user it  looks easy but for a manufacturer this is quite a big and expensive operation to make a small change like this.

Photo: The Midland GB-1 used to be code C1198 but is now code C1198.01 also the barcode had to be changed.

So we have a European Commission making Directives. The national Authorities have to turn these Directives in to national law. But at the end of the day the national Authorities still want to have the final word.

The case of Midland GB-1 illustrates exactly how divided Europe can be. As a European tradesman I love the European Union for all the good things achieved. I just hope that people from national Authorities will start to think more European than they do now. Or the European countries must give more power to the European Commission and European Parliament. If there is a European Directive/Law there must be a product for the complete European market and individual countries should not have the possibility to ban products from their national market.

The Midland GB-1 is a fine product, it is manufactured according to the EU standards, there is a demand in the market for this product and it should be available for the benefit of all European people.

Photo: Midland GB-1, only legally available in some European countries


Many brands offer action camera’s or dash cams for use in trucks or cars.  The most recent in the Avera stock programma is the Midland STREET GUARDIAN NIGHT. For details about this product visit our website.

Photo: Midland Street Guardian Night

More and more drivers purchase  a dashcam. It allows to film scenic routes and gives ‘proof’ in case of an accicdent. But not in every country the use of dashcams is legal.

Most users have no idea about the laws in the various European countries.  Here is some listing from info we received:

BELGIUM: allowed
Not allowed to publish or distribute the video’s made if people in the video can be identified.
DANMARK: allowed
Dashcam and cables should not block the views of the driver. No filming on private property, be aware for privacy regulations.
GERMANY: advise is ‘do not use’.
Be aware of privacy regulations when publishing videos
FRANCE: allowed
Unclear about legal aspect for use in court. Be aware of privacy regulations.
GREECE: No legal information available.
HUNGARY: allowed
Publication of video only wen people can not be recognised.
ITALY: allowed
Privacy regulations not only for persons but it is also not allowed to publish a  video with readable license plates.
CROATIA: allowed
Be aware for privacy regulations, Also certain objects like country borders should not be recorded.
Data protection laws do not allow the use of dash cams.
AUSTRIA: advise is ‘do not use’.
It is not allowed to video people, this affects also use of dashcams.
POTUGAL: advise is ‘do not use’.
Only allowed if one has a license from Portugese Data Protection Authority.
SLOVENIA: allowed
Restrictions when people are filmed without permission.
Spain: advise ‘do not use’.
Use should not distract the drivers attention. No allowed to use in public areas.
Sight of driver should not be blocked.
Not allowed to publish video without permission.
Sight of driver should not be blocked.
Not allowed to operate during driving.
Be aware of privacy regulations before publishing.
(Source AAA – NL )

If the use of a dashcam is not allowed do not show the camera on your dash board, even when not in use.
• Always make sure the dashcam does not block the sight of the driver.
• Never operate the dashcam during driving.
 Do not publish video’s when people can be recognised.
Always respect the privacy from others.




 Photo: Delta DFC100

Last time i introduced the Delta M2 Desk Microphone. This post is about the Delta DFC100 wireless frequency counter from the same company.

Although the DFC100 is called a wireless frequency counter it can also be used as a regular wired counter. On the back panel are 4 connecting possibilities.
Two pieces SO-239 connectors for direct connecting to a transceiver and antenna. Next to these is the slot to connect  a 12 Volt DC source.
Last but not least is the connection for the antenna for wireless measurement of the frequency from a transceiver. This antenna is included in the gift box and has a length of approx. 62 cm.

The display reads the frequency in the range from 0.5 – 50 MHz in blue LED’s. On the left hand side is a switch to select wireless measurement on/off. On the right hand side is the general on/off switch.


Photo : KIM KE600

Manufacturer Delta is based in the USA. In the gift box is a USA 110 Volt AC/DC adaptor. For operation in Europe is is necessary to use a 12 Volt DC adaptor with EU plug. When we used a switching power supply it resulted in a ‘noise’ in the receiver. Maybe this was a one time event.
When using a very cheap KIM KE600 adaptor there was no noise to be heard.

The Delta DFC100 wireless frequency counter is a good counter, easy to use. The extra option for wireless measurement of the transmitted frequency can come in handy.
Do not forget to use a good functioning 12 Volt DC adaptor.

Below is a part of the user manual that shows the specifactions for the Delta DFC100 Wireless Frequency Counter.

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M2 Chrome Product and Packing Photo

Photo: Delta M2 Microphone – CHROME version

After many years in CB business it is a pleasure to be happily surprised seeing a new accessory for the CB market. Unpacking the Delta M2 base mike really gave me that warm feeling again.

There are 2 version for M2 available:  Delta M2 CHROME  and Delta M2 GOLD.
Both types are exactly the same, just a different color. And ofcourse the gold version is more expensive than the chrome version.

M2Gold Product and Packing Photo

Photo: Delta M2 Microphone – GOLD version

These 2 brand new models come from USA. They come with the standard USA 4-Pin CB connector and the common Cobra/Uniden/President wiring. For the 6-Pin President radio’s we have an adaptor or an adaptor cable to convert a 4-Pin microphone to a 6-Pin radio without any soldering. Check the list of the accessories that are mentioned in the product description of these 2 microphones on our website.

Like most base microphones the amplifier in the M2 microphone needs a 9 Volt battery. That is not included in the packing to prevent damage from a leaking battery.

But that are just some technical details. Looking at this product made me happy. It looks a bit old fashioned, but it also looks robust and elegant at the same time. It is simple and technical, it is a combination of many other products that i saw in 40+ years in this business.  It is a microphone you like to have in front of you, a pleasure for the eye, you have a horse to do the ‘heavy job’. Although there are not many CB users that think talking is a difficult job.

The M2 is an amplified dynamic desk microphone. On top of the housing you find the controls for Tone, Modulation, the Push To Talk button with lock function, a LED for TX and a VU_meter showing the power of the modulation. On the microphone stand is a switch to turn the microphone on or off. The head of the microphe can be turned backwards or forewards depending on the preference of the user.

A quick test learned that the Delta M2 delivers a very strong and good audio signal. And to be honest, we did not expect something different from this master piece. It is not a cheap product but it feels like a privelige to use this microphone and use it.

M2Gold Side View Photo

M2 Chrome Side View Photo




The communication from police and emergency services (fire department and ambulances) in most European countries is based on TETRA technology.
Tetra is a kind of trunking system and very often the users apply scrambling to make ear dropping impossible. So with regular scanners it is impossible to listen to the TETRA communications.
Where in USA the use of radar detectors is legal in many states, in Europe this is illegal in most countries. An example; in The Netherlands a dealer can be fined for 500 euro for EACH radar detector that there is available for sale.

So in Europe listening to police communication or using a radar detector is impossible to prevent getting speeding tickets. Now a days most drivers use apps on the phone to be warned for mobile or stationary speed traps. These are not ‘dynamic’ information systems and are legal to use in most European countries.

                                        Photo: Receiver and Display


Police and emergency vehicles use high speed when there is an incident. Regular drivers often are frightened away when they are approached by a blue light vehicle on high speed.
To prevent frightened reactions from drivers that might cause dangerous situations on the road, Blu Eyes was developed. It warns drivers that emergency vehicles are coming close.

The TETRA system does not only transmit communications, but also a GPS signal to know where the vehicle is located. Listening to encrypted communications is illegal, but receiving a GPS signal is strictly legal.

The Blu Eye detects the signal from an emergency vehicle and the device informs with an acoustic or visual signal or that vehicle is coming close or moving away. That is why the Blu Eye is a great warning system for approaching emergency vehicles.

Last year the Blu Eye came in the news, not because people used it as a warning for speed traps by the police, but because criminals used the set also in buildings. If a police car came close the set gave a signal so they knew a police car or emergency car was approaching the location.

They who know how the TETRA system and the police operate do know that when it is ‘detective’ work officials will not use the Tetra system. In these cases they prefer cell phones or special frequencies outside the TETRA band. Also in case a transceiver is switched off there will be no GPS signal to detect.

The target Blu Eye has an end user price for Euro 999 including VAT (Sales Tax)
The set comes complete with a covert bumper antenna.



Target Blu Eye is based on TETRA technology. Target Blu Eye is a unique and worldwide patented traffic safety system that warns you in advance for approaching emergency service vehicles. Even if such a vehicle is not using its siren and flashing lights. Due to Target Blu Eye you will be warned with an acoustic and visual alert. The signal strength meter on the control display allows you to see at first glance whether an emergency vehicle is approaching you or moving away from you.  Not intended as a warning system when speeding, but it might help to slow down your speed when accidently driving to fast.

Starting December 12 – 2016 the covert vehicle bumper dipole antenna, type Panorama VCD-S1-5F is added free of charge.
Photo: Covert bumper antenna


Does Target Blu Eye function abroad?
The Tetra network for emergency services is also used in the countries surrounding The Netherlands, such as Belgium, Croatia, Germany (nationwide in 2014), Austria, Great Britain, Scandinavia, Slovenia, Spain, Portugal, Hungary and Italy.
Target Blu Eye is Based on Tetra Technology.
BE: In Belgium the system is called ASTRID and Blu Eye functions very well in Belgium.
ES: In Spain Blu Eyes functions in and around Barcelona and the North of Spain. Guardia Civil is using old TetraPol system and is not detected by Blu Eye.
NL: In The Netherlands the system is called C2000
UK: In UK the system is called AIRWAVE.
FRANCE: France Authorities use an old TetraPol Network. Blu Eye does not function on TetraPol because there is only one synchronisation pulse each minute.

This is link to official BLU-EYE website. Now you can find there information in Dutch, English, French and Spannish.
Blu Eye website

The innovative and new traffic safety system Target Blu Eye consists of a central unit, a control display and an external antenna. The system is based on TETRA network. If an emergency service, e.g. a police car, is nearby, you will be warned in advance with an acoustic and visual alert. The signal strength meter on the control display allows you to see at first glance whether an emergency vehicle is approaching you or moving away from you.

Acoustic warnings: The communication system used by emergency services in your country generates four types of communication patterns. Target Blu Eye recognizes all four patterns and produces four different acoustic signals. All signals indicate the presence of an emergency service close to you. For more detailed information, read the user manual.

Visual warnings: Besides acoustic warnings Target Blu Eye also generates visual warnings by means of the signal strength meter on the control display. If an emergency vehicle approaches you, regardless from which direction, the signal strength meter gives you an estimated indication about the distance between you and the emergency vehicle. For more detailed information go to the user manual.

Sensitivity mode: Two sensitivity modes can be selected on the Target Blu Eye control display: 1.Highway mode: in this mode Target Blu Eye offers the highest sensitivity, which allows the system to recognize emergency services from a large distance. 2.City mode: in this mode Target Blu Eye offers a lower sensitivity. This mode is recommended for use in urban areas. De detection range of Target Blu Eye varies from hundreds of meters up to approximately one kilometre. The range depends on the selected sensitivity mode and the environment. Due to this highly advanced technology, Target Blu Eye is able to warn you in advance for approaching emergency services, such as:
◾ Police cars (marked and unmarked cars)
◾ Police motorcycles
◾ Ambulances
◾ Fire trucks Due to Target Blu Eye you will increase your own safety, the safety of other drivers and the safety of the emergency services.

The advantages of Target Blu Eye:
◾ Warns you for approaching emergency services such as marked and unmarked police cars, ambulances and fire trucks.
◾ Prevents unpredictable and dangerous manoeuvresIncreases your own safety and the safety of other road users.
◾ Prevents material damage & personal injuries.
◾ Indicates whether an emergency service vehicle is approaching you or moving away from you.  Increases a relaxed way of driving.
◾ Compact sized and easy to install.
◾ Two years warranty.  Being of assistance to emergency services.
◾ Target Blu Eye: an eye for safety.


Is it legal to use Target Blu Eye in Europe? Yes, the use of Target Blu Eye is legal since the system is only informing the driver whether an emergency service is nearby. Moreover, Target Blu Eye does not make any difference between police vehicles, ambulances or fire trucks. You will be warned of all types of emergency vehicles. We would like to emphasize that Target Blu Eye is not able to decode the radio messages broadcasted by the TETRA network.

PACKING INCLUDES: 1 Pc of Central Unit. 1 Pc of Control Display. 1 Pc of Standard Antenna with 2,5 meter Antenna Cable. 1 Pc of Cable between Central Unit and Control Display. 1 Pc of Power Cable Including Fuse. 1 Pc of SD Card. 1 Pc of Quick Start Manual in Dutch, other lauguages to be downloaded. 1 Pc of Panorama VCD-S1-5F =  Covert Vehicle Bumper Dipole Antenna for TETRA.