Category Archives: Scanners / Receivers / Software

Receivers, scanning receivers aka scanners and software to use for scanners.


There are many publications about the danger of Li-ion batteries that explode or cause a fire.
This week a friend showed me his iPhone. At that moment you realize the real danger of such a battery.

The battery pack had ‘grown’ but was not exploded yet.

If you find a battery like this be very careful, it can explode an do lots of harm.

Casing of iPhone was opened under pressure of growing battery pack.
Full grown iPhone battery pack , ready to explode


Since mid 2021Avera is also officlal distributor for AOR products.
In the coming weeks we will finish adding the complete program of AOR products to our website and stock program.
Here are some of the recently added items.

AOR 82000PC = PC Cable

AOR ABF128 = Bandpass Filter Airband

AOR VI8200 = Voice Inverter Card

AOR AS5001 = Antenna Switch

AOR MF6 = Collins Mechanical Filter

AOR MF4 = Collins Mechanical Filter.


AOR BT-10 = Battery Holder, Tray for Alkaline Batteries

AOR RU8200 = Recording Card

AOR CO-8200 = Data Clone Lead

AOR OS8200 = Open End Cable.

AOR GT-1 = Galvanic Isolation Transformer

AOR DA1500 = Antenna Scanner Base

AOR ACC-1 = Mini DIN Plug


AOR DC-8200 = Power Cord with Cigarette Lighter Plug


AOR BC10 = Belt Clip

New AOR product uploads can be found on, select BRANDS and choose AOR.
Subscribe to this blog and you get email each time we write about new products to be found on our website.

SDS200 / SDS200E

Photo: SDS200 for USA market

At the last day of CES 2019 in Las Vegas Uniden officially announced the introduction of the new scanner SDS200. The SDS200 is the mobile version of the portable SDS100. The SDS100 was developed with new technology, so not be compared with earlier models. Same counts for the SDS200. It is total new technology and totally different from other mobile models like BCT15X or BCD536. Technology of SDS100 and SDS200 is now based on SDR chip technology. That allowed the SDS100 and the new SDS200 to have several new features. The SDS200 has a large display that can be programmed for many different colors. And of course the SDS200 has the famous Uniden trunking technics that no other brand of scanners is offering.

Uniden writes: << “Uniden extends the True I/Q portfolia with the SDS200 True I/Q Scanner. Boasting incredible digital performance in even the most challenging RF environments, the SDS200’s digital performance is better than any other scanner in both simulcast and weak-signal environments. The SDS200 also lets you decide what to display, where, and in what color. Custom fields put the information important to you right where you want. And, one more first, the SDS200 includes an integrated Ethernet interface that allows for remote programming, streaming, updates, and control”.>>

Photo: Rear view of SDS200

The casing of the SDS200 is bigger than casing for SDS100. This results in more space for the components and less chance of internal interferences. Also more filters could be added to SDS200 compared to the SDS100.


Looking at the front of the SDS200 you will notice the ethernet connection socket. That slot can be used to connect the scanner to a computer and the internet. It will allow control, programming and streaming of the scanner and the signals received. Laws in Europe and USA are different. In USA it is common to publish police or other public service communications through a website on the internet as a streaming service. In Europe it is not always legal to distribute signals that are being received. Certainly not if the signal is coded or scrambled. But trunking is not encrypting or coded. It is jumping through several frequencies to allow more users on a limited number of channels.

Photo: USA flyer for SDS200


Because the US president want his wall there is a government shut down in USA now. It also means that the FCC is partly closing down. The approval for SDS200 came just in time, but Uniden and other manufacturers are getting delays now for several products that need FCC involvement before they can put these on the USA market. SDS200E FOR EUROPE For Europe there will be the SDS200E. The model is expected to arrive on European marker in second quarter of this year. It will be great addition to the existing analog mobile models UBC355XLT, UBC370CLT and BCT15X. For European model UBCD3600XLT users can buy an activation key to upgrade for NXDN or they purchase a model that has the upgrade already included. For SDS100E users had to purchase activation keys for DMR, NXDN and ProVoice or purchase a model that had these activations already entered. DMR – NXDN – PROVOICE ON SDS200e Avera is happy to announce that the European model SDS200E will be sold with DMR, NXDN and ProVoice already activated by the factory. The final price for the European market is not published yet, subscribe to this blog to be informed when more info gets available for the SDS200E.


Photo: Uniden’s Paul Opitz showing Avera the SDS200

The photo shows Paul Opitz during presentation of USA model SDS200 at CES 2019 in Las Vegas. Paul is the ‘scanner guru’ from Uniden USA. On September 14 – 2019 we have the 2nd Avera dealer event. We are exited to say that Paul is invited to give a presentation about scanners. Dealers can meet him and ask questions. So save that date on your calendar. The event is by invitation only. Send me an email if you want to join us that day. More info about the dealer event will be published on our homepage


June 2018 Uniden USA hopes to introduce the new scanner Uniden SDS100 on the USA market. many scanner listeners are asking Avera when the European version of the SDS100 will be available in Europe.

Photo: Flyer of SDS100 for USA

The truth is that we can not tell at this moment, we are discussing this with the manufacturer Uniden Japan, but we can not give any information yet. Follow this BLOG ( subscribe) and for sure we will announce it on our Facebook page and Avera website homepage.

We had the pleasure to interview Paul from Uniden USA and ask him about the Uniden SDS100 for the USA market. Please watch the video, his voice is a bit crispy, he just had some surgerey, but he was willing to make this video with us. Thank you Paul for sharing with us!

Link to Avera video:

Video from 2nd party Vlogger, Radar Busters

The expected price for the USA market will be around USD 649 – USD 699.
Buying upgrades for DMR, ProVoice and NXDN will cost an other USD 170.
These prices are ecxluding the USA sales tax. In Europe most countries have a sales tax from around 15 – 22%.
As mentioned before, the Uniden SDS100 for USA will be available somewhere in June 2018.

There is a lot of talking on internet about SDS100 for USA, the UBCD3600XLT for Europe and availability of NXDN. Often people refer to Whistler TRX-1 and TRX-2 as having standard TRX-1 and TRX-2 included.
Avera-Distributing is also talking with Uniden about adding NXDN to the European UBCD3600XLT. But Uniden has not deciced yet on how to do this.

The SDS100 has REAL NXDN trunk tracking while TRX-1 and TRX-2 do receive the frequenties but do not really provide the trunktracking. If there is low traffic it will be okay, but if there is a busy system you need a real trunk tracking system to be able to detect and follow the communications on such a trunk tracking system.

If you want to be the first to learn about SDS100EU subscribe to this blog and we will keep you informed.








Since the launch of the new portable scanner Uniden UBCD3600XLT there have been questions about the DMR function of this receiver. There are many different versions of DMR in the market and people ask which types of DMR can be detected.

The USA  models BCDx36HP need an upgrade to detect all mentioned DMR systems. The European model UBCD3600XLT does not need an upgrade to cover these DMR systems.

Using the European model Uniden UBCD3600XLT or USA  models BCDx36HP radios ( upgraded with the DMR upgrade), you can now seamlessly monitor unencrypted channels on the following system types:

  • Conventional Analog channels
  • Conventional P25 Digital channels
  • Motorola Type I and Type II Trunked Radio systems with Analog and Digital (P25) Voice
  • EDACS Analog trunked radio systems
  • LTR Analog trunked radio systems
  • APCO Project 25 Phase I and Phase II Digital Trunked Radio systems
  • EDACS trunked radio systems with ProVoice channels
  • Conventional Digital Mobile Radio (DMR) channels
  • MotoTRBO Capacity Plus Trunked Radio Systems
  • MotoTRBO Connect Plus Trunked Radio Systems
  • MotoTRBO Linked Capacity Plus Systems
  • DMR Tier IIITrunking   




The communication from police and emergency services (fire department and ambulances) in most European countries is based on TETRA technology.
Tetra is a kind of trunking system and very often the users apply scrambling to make ear dropping impossible. So with regular scanners it is impossible to listen to the TETRA communications.
Where in USA the use of radar detectors is legal in many states, in Europe this is illegal in most countries. An example; in The Netherlands a dealer can be fined for 500 euro for EACH radar detector that there is available for sale.

So in Europe listening to police communication or using a radar detector is impossible to prevent getting speeding tickets. Now a days most drivers use apps on the phone to be warned for mobile or stationary speed traps. These are not ‘dynamic’ information systems and are legal to use in most European countries.

                                        Photo: Receiver and Display


Police and emergency vehicles use high speed when there is an incident. Regular drivers often are frightened away when they are approached by a blue light vehicle on high speed.
To prevent frightened reactions from drivers that might cause dangerous situations on the road, Blu Eyes was developed. It warns drivers that emergency vehicles are coming close.

The TETRA system does not only transmit communications, but also a GPS signal to know where the vehicle is located. Listening to encrypted communications is illegal, but receiving a GPS signal is strictly legal.

The Blu Eye detects the signal from an emergency vehicle and the device informs with an acoustic or visual signal or that vehicle is coming close or moving away. That is why the Blu Eye is a great warning system for approaching emergency vehicles.

Last year the Blu Eye came in the news, not because people used it as a warning for speed traps by the police, but because criminals used the set also in buildings. If a police car came close the set gave a signal so they knew a police car or emergency car was approaching the location.

They who know how the TETRA system and the police operate do know that when it is ‘detective’ work officials will not use the Tetra system. In these cases they prefer cell phones or special frequencies outside the TETRA band. Also in case a transceiver is switched off there will be no GPS signal to detect.

The target Blu Eye has an end user price for Euro 999 including VAT (Sales Tax)
The set comes complete with a covert bumper antenna.



Target Blu Eye is based on TETRA technology. Target Blu Eye is a unique and worldwide patented traffic safety system that warns you in advance for approaching emergency service vehicles. Even if such a vehicle is not using its siren and flashing lights. Due to Target Blu Eye you will be warned with an acoustic and visual alert. The signal strength meter on the control display allows you to see at first glance whether an emergency vehicle is approaching you or moving away from you.  Not intended as a warning system when speeding, but it might help to slow down your speed when accidently driving to fast.

Starting December 12 – 2016 the covert vehicle bumper dipole antenna, type Panorama VCD-S1-5F is added free of charge.
Photo: Covert bumper antenna


Does Target Blu Eye function abroad?
The Tetra network for emergency services is also used in the countries surrounding The Netherlands, such as Belgium, Croatia, Germany (nationwide in 2014), Austria, Great Britain, Scandinavia, Slovenia, Spain, Portugal, Hungary and Italy.
Target Blu Eye is Based on Tetra Technology.
BE: In Belgium the system is called ASTRID and Blu Eye functions very well in Belgium.
ES: In Spain Blu Eyes functions in and around Barcelona and the North of Spain. Guardia Civil is using old TetraPol system and is not detected by Blu Eye.
NL: In The Netherlands the system is called C2000
UK: In UK the system is called AIRWAVE.
FRANCE: France Authorities use an old TetraPol Network. Blu Eye does not function on TetraPol because there is only one synchronisation pulse each minute.

This is link to official BLU-EYE website. Now you can find there information in Dutch, English, French and Spannish.
Blu Eye website

The innovative and new traffic safety system Target Blu Eye consists of a central unit, a control display and an external antenna. The system is based on TETRA network. If an emergency service, e.g. a police car, is nearby, you will be warned in advance with an acoustic and visual alert. The signal strength meter on the control display allows you to see at first glance whether an emergency vehicle is approaching you or moving away from you.

Acoustic warnings: The communication system used by emergency services in your country generates four types of communication patterns. Target Blu Eye recognizes all four patterns and produces four different acoustic signals. All signals indicate the presence of an emergency service close to you. For more detailed information, read the user manual.

Visual warnings: Besides acoustic warnings Target Blu Eye also generates visual warnings by means of the signal strength meter on the control display. If an emergency vehicle approaches you, regardless from which direction, the signal strength meter gives you an estimated indication about the distance between you and the emergency vehicle. For more detailed information go to the user manual.

Sensitivity mode: Two sensitivity modes can be selected on the Target Blu Eye control display: 1.Highway mode: in this mode Target Blu Eye offers the highest sensitivity, which allows the system to recognize emergency services from a large distance. 2.City mode: in this mode Target Blu Eye offers a lower sensitivity. This mode is recommended for use in urban areas. De detection range of Target Blu Eye varies from hundreds of meters up to approximately one kilometre. The range depends on the selected sensitivity mode and the environment. Due to this highly advanced technology, Target Blu Eye is able to warn you in advance for approaching emergency services, such as:
◾ Police cars (marked and unmarked cars)
◾ Police motorcycles
◾ Ambulances
◾ Fire trucks Due to Target Blu Eye you will increase your own safety, the safety of other drivers and the safety of the emergency services.

The advantages of Target Blu Eye:
◾ Warns you for approaching emergency services such as marked and unmarked police cars, ambulances and fire trucks.
◾ Prevents unpredictable and dangerous manoeuvresIncreases your own safety and the safety of other road users.
◾ Prevents material damage & personal injuries.
◾ Indicates whether an emergency service vehicle is approaching you or moving away from you.  Increases a relaxed way of driving.
◾ Compact sized and easy to install.
◾ Two years warranty.  Being of assistance to emergency services.
◾ Target Blu Eye: an eye for safety.


Is it legal to use Target Blu Eye in Europe? Yes, the use of Target Blu Eye is legal since the system is only informing the driver whether an emergency service is nearby. Moreover, Target Blu Eye does not make any difference between police vehicles, ambulances or fire trucks. You will be warned of all types of emergency vehicles. We would like to emphasize that Target Blu Eye is not able to decode the radio messages broadcasted by the TETRA network.

PACKING INCLUDES: 1 Pc of Central Unit. 1 Pc of Control Display. 1 Pc of Standard Antenna with 2,5 meter Antenna Cable. 1 Pc of Cable between Central Unit and Control Display. 1 Pc of Power Cable Including Fuse. 1 Pc of SD Card. 1 Pc of Quick Start Manual in Dutch, other lauguages to be downloaded. 1 Pc of Panorama VCD-S1-5F =  Covert Vehicle Bumper Dipole Antenna for TETRA.


H3 Photo LQ W400

Midland completes the new H series with a simple and essential model, the perfect solution for those who approach the action cam world for the first time.

Midland H3 is a HD ready action cam with 1280x720p resolution, characterized by a frontal form factor. Its wide 2” LCD display allows to frame, easily adjust the settings and reproduce pictures and videos.

H3 is equipped with 120° wide angle lens and image stabilizer for excellent shoots, also for extreme use. H3 is a simple action cam, with small dimensions and low price, but it has the maximum quality level that characterizes the Midland action cams.

It is equipped with multiple functions, among with the time lapse (photo sequence at pre‐set time), selftimer (self shoot) and CAR DVR: H3 can be installed in the car and it continuously records what happens while driving.

H3 is also equipped with a submersible case that protects it from water up to 30 meter depth, but also from mud and dust.

H3 in submersible casing v2

The accessories supplied with the H3 allow different uses of the action cam; for example it can be mounted on helmets, handlebars and bike helmets. It is possible to create every solution fitting your needs!


Main features:

  • Video resolution: 1280×720 (HD) / 640×480 (SD) @30fps
  • Photo resolution: 5/3/2/1 MP
  • Wide angle lens: 120°
  • Sensor: CMOS 5MP
  • Aspect ratio: 16:9
  • Format: AVI
  • Li‐Ion battery pack 900mAh up to 110 min
  • SD card: up to a 32Gb (optional)
  • Dimensions: 41x59x29mm
  • Weight: 58g (with battery)

The package contains:

  • H3 Action camera
  • Submersible case up to 30m (compatible with H5)
  • Interchangeble front cover (black/orange)
  • Li‐Ion 900mAh battery pack (compatible with H5)
  • USB cable
  • 10 mounting supports

H3 packing contains v2

Optional accessories:

  • ACC‐H3 Set of accessories – code C1244
  • WPC‐H5 Submersible case up to 30 m, compatible with H3 and H5 – code C1247
  • PB‐H5 Li‐ion 900mAh 3,7V battery pack, compatible with H3 and H5 – code C1246
  • Chest mount – code C1115
  • XT POD MINI Monopod mount 18 cm – code C1116
  • XT POD 2S Telescopic multicam 2‐section monopod 80cm – code C1116.01
  • XT POD 3S Telescopic multicam 3‐section monopod 112cm – code C1116.02
  • Suction cap mount– code C980.01
  • Universal mount for rifles – code C1064.01
  • RAM roll bar mount – code C1042
  • RAM Moto‐Quad mount – code C1052
  • Handlebar mount – code C992
  • Cap mount – code C1012
  • Tree mount – code C1062
  • Bow mount – code C1068


H3 Photo LQ W400


Since two years TMAF is active on the USA market to promote the trucking industry. Many companies and organisations participate in this industry wide organisation.
This is their press release because of MATS2016. MATS is the biggest trucking show in USA held in Louisville Kentucky from 31 march -2 april.


Trucking Moves America Forward (TMAF) is actively seeking support of its mission to keep the trucking industry in America progressing through outreach and advocacy.

Since its public launch at MATS in 2014, Trucking Moves America Forward has promoted its mission to be a long-term, industry-wide movement to create a positive image for the industry – ensuring that policymakers and the public understand the importance of the trucking industry to the nation’s economy.

As the movement builds, TMAF plans to be a significant and distinguished voice supporting the trucking industry by highlighting its essentiality, safety, technology, and sustainability throughout the country.

Visibility in the U.S.

Every year, TMAF leadership represents the movement at numerous industry organizations to recruit members and donors, including the Mid-America Trucking Show, the Great American Trucking Show, ATA’s Annual Management Conference & Exhibition, TCA’s annual convention, numerous state trucking association events, and Great West Casualty Company events.

Other highlights that demonstrate the popularity and growth of the industry movement include:

• Putting 100 TMAF-branded trailer and tank wraps on the road, which reach as many as 16 million people per city, per truck
• Topping more than 180 donors
• Continuing to add to an online subscriber list of more than 2,000
• Earning more than 5.8 million advertising impressions, targeted for consumers and lawmakers
• Continuing to build a robust online community though digital and social media channels.

Top Media Coverage

An important part of the campaign is gaining exposure in print, online and broadcast media outlets. Earned media coverage since March 2014 has included more than 45 million impressions, thanks to dozens of op-eds and story placements secured in state and national industry publications, local newspapers, and inside-the-beltway outlets, including:

• Albuquerque Business First
• American Trucker
• Argus Leader (S.D.)
• Charlotte Business Journal
• Commercial Carrier Journal
• Dave Nemo Show
• Elko Daily Free Press (Nev.)
• Heavy Duty Trucking
• Illinois Times
• Land Line Radio
• Land Line Magazine
• Louisville Business First
• MAXIM Magazine
• Memphis Business Journal
• New Hampshire Business Review
• POLITICO Transportation
• Portland Press Herald
• Prairie Business (N.D.)
• Rapid City Journal
• Reno Gazette-Journal
• Road Dog Trucking Channel
• Roll Call
• Santa Fe New Mexican
• Sierra Vista Herald (Ariz.)
• State Journal (W. Va.)
• The Business Journal (Calif.)
• The Hill
• The Memphis Business Journal
• The Trucker
• Topeka Capital-Journal
• Transport Topics

Digital & Social Media

TMAF has greatly bolstered its marketing presence online through several channels. TMAF’s interactive website ( informs and captures thousands of members, and subscribers receive regular email updates on industry happenings. On the site’s members-only page, visitors can access key messages; talking points; press materials; sample speeches and editorials; donation and pledge information; trailer wrap information; and useful visuals for amplifying TMAF’s image, such as videos, social media shareables, and advertisements. The TMAF e-store,, is open for those who wish to proudly display branded gear including hats, shirts, tumblers, door decals and more.

TMAF’s growing social media following includes:

FACEBOOK: More than page 7,600 likes on
TWITTER: Nearly 2,000 followers of @TruckingFWD
YOUTUBE: More than 34,000 views at
LINKEDIN: Added nearly 100 followers in its first month

TMAF Founding Members

Founding members of the movement include: Allied Committee for the Trucking Industry (ACT1), Allison Transmission, American Trucking Associations (ATA), Bendix Commercial Vehicle Systems, BMO Transportation Finance, Bridgestone Commercial Solutions, Bulldog Hiway Express, Castrol Heavy Duty Lubricants, Combined Transport, Inc., Cummins Inc., Daimler Trucks North America, Dana Holding Corporation, Detroit Diesel Corporation, Eaton Corporation – Roadranger, Goodyear, Great West Casualty Company, Hahn Transportation, Inc., Hendrickson, International, J.J. Keller & Associates, Inc., Jet Express, Inc., Kenworth Truck Company, Longistics, Love’s Travel Stops, Mack Trucks, Inc., Meritor, McLeod Software, Michelin, Motor Carrier Service, Inc., Old Dominion Freight Lines, Omnitracs Inc., Owner- Operator Independent Drivers Association (OOIDA), National Tank Truck Carriers (NTTC) Pegasus, Peterbilt Motors Company, Pilot Flying J, Randall Reilly, Tennant Truck Lines, Tennessee Express, Inc., TransTech, Trucking Associations Executive Council, Truckload Carriers Association (TCA), TRW and Volvo Trucks.



After 45 years in CB it is not easy to be happily surprised. And if I am surprised it is mostly by something ‘simple’. That happened this week again when we got in stock the PW-100 from CG Antenna


Most people use one power supply to operate several radio’s. The DC power leads are fixed to that one power source. And quite often not in the most professional or safe way.
For all these people the PW-100 is a good solution.

Bring 12 VDC from the power supply into the input terminals of PW-100 (left on the photo). Now you have 4 independent 12 VDC sources to connect 4 radio’s or other 12 VDC gear. Each of the four outputs has its own fuse (30A), so very safe to use.

The PW-100 is made by CG Antenna from China. Most HAM operators know this company from the CG3000, a high quality automatic antenna tuner and from the SB2000 MK2 a high quality radio interface.


02The CG3000, automatic antenna tuner

03aSB-2000 K2 Radio Interface

1 Pc of Power Distributor
2 Pairs of Babana Plugs
2 Pairs of Ring Terminal Solder Plugs
1 Pc of Spare Fuse




01Booth of CB Distributing

At CES there is only one distributor who is present each year with a booth. That is the company CB Distributing from Portland OREGON. They are USA West coast based and for them it is a good opportunity to meet new and existing customers.

02Talking to customers

The program they display has much similarity with the Avera program. That is why we always pay a visit to their booth. They show Cobra CB and marine, Uniden CB, Stryker 10M, GearKeepers for CB, Firestik Antennas, K40 and Wilson antennas and their own line Accessories Unlimited and lots more.

03Cobra CB and Marine, Uniden CB

A brand we do not often see in Europe is ‘STRYKER’. They are mainly known for the 10 meter radios they make for the USA market. In the booth CB Distributing showed the new Stryker SR89MCV2. This is a ‘remote’10 meter transceiver, all functions and controls are put in the microphone.
In Europe we have a 40CH CB Transceiver in same casing, the CRT MIKE.

Under the brand name ‘Stryker’ CBD also showed some antennas. Most of these look like copies of famous USA antennas like WILSON. One model that looked unique was the Stryker SR-A10. The coil is put in a robust oil can. The look is very special, but It is so ugly that it looks great, but the market for these will be very small.

05Stryker SR-A10 antenna

As a President distributor from Europe we were happily surprised to see a President flag and two President boxes in the CBD booth. One box for ‘President Johnny-3 USA’ and one box for ‘President Johnson-2 USA’. At the show the price information was not available yet. The products were expected to be available within 4 weeks.
The flyer from CB Distributing told us that the introduction is made for a Johnny-3 USA with a free of charge New York antenna. The Johnson-3 USA comes with a free IOWA antenna.

06Keith Eschliman proudly shows the new President USA models.


President USA was not available with a booth at CES 2016. But in a suite of Mandalay Bay the USA distributors could meet Chief Operations Cavi Sharma and Chief Sales Kip Sullivan from President USA. There were also models of the new radios available.

07Kip Sullivan showing the new President USA models


The smallest model to start in USA is the Johnny-3 USA. (PDF)
It is a 40 channel AM radio. The tooling looks like the European Johnny-3 but internally it must be totally different as there is also a WX function and weather channel function is not present on the European models.
The USA model has a three colour display, better than the European model.
New for USA is that the President models come as a 12V/24V radio.

Most trucks are 12 Volt in USA. But agricultural tractors and some other pullers use 24 Volt systems. The people we spoke during CES find the 12V/24V a great option from the President CB’s.



10Johnny-3 USA with three colour display


For Avera one of our main selling radios is the President Johnson-2. This is by far the most popular CB for truckers in The Netherlands. In USA the President Johnson-2 USA (PDF) is the 2nd model that comes on the US market. It is also a 40CH AM CB transceiver.
The looks are the same as the European model, but also for this type counts that the PCB is totally different. It will be more like the PCB of Uniden PRO538W. But this model has also a three colour display and 12V/24V capability.



13Johnson-2 USA with three colour display


Guarantee in USA is different from Europe. In Europe it is a real legal right you have. Even if the manufacturer tells 1 year, the law might say 2 or 3 years. In USA it is more that you get what the manufacturer is promising you.
President USA decided to give 2 years guarantee. But you get 3 years more if you buy also a President antenna.

The US market is mainly a truckers market. Until now we have not seen President antennas that are a real competition for the famous USA truck antennas. But who knows what President will come up with in the future.

14President showing that looks might be the same but
electronics have changed.

15Kip Sullivan acting with a Johnson-2 USA


For more information visit the new President website at:

So far our news from CES 2016 – more CES news next year !